Sunday, October 23, 2011

Travels Begin

So as I sit and write this evening, I am sitting on a rather comfortable couch in a house in Virginia. Elizabeth and I have just finished our first week of our support trip across the States! I've mentioned in the last few posts that we would be traveling together to try to find those churches and individuals who would be willing to help us on our way to Papua New Guinea, whether that be through one time gifts geared specifically at our 2 month trip this spring, or through monthly gifts to help us in the long term. I've already been astonished...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I'm Engaged!

The title says it all folks! I haven't written about this yet mostly because I've been trying to get in contact with some people before they could find out from the internet, but also because the usual pressures of school and work have been interfering with time that be used for blogging. I have, however, had a couple of requests for details on how I proposed, and so I find myself making time in my day to inform the wider world of these recent events. Our...