Monday, December 14, 2015

Learning to Sew Morota

One of the hardest things for me to come to terms with in the village was the simple fact that I don't have any trade skills. I am a sub-par carpenter, a mediocre mechanic, and there weren't all that many computers out there for me to tinker with. Not only that, but another student had come to the village years before me and, inevitably, I was compared to him. He was a pilot. And a mechanic. And a fat man the size of an elephant. (Being fat is a...

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Bargam Worship Songs

One of the wonderful people we've had the opportunity to meet in our time here is a man named Lazarus. Lazarus was one if the translators who worked on the Bargam New Testament while the SIL missionary lived here, and he is still a strong man of God in this area. One of Lazarus' passions is singing worship songs in his own native language, which is something that I whole heartedly encourage. One day, I asked him if we could listen to and record one of the songs they've written in Bargam. He excitedly agreed, and told me we could come over to his...

Thursday, January 22, 2015

5 Great Apps for Baby-Rearing

One of the weirder things about me wanting to live out in the middle of the jungle for a goodly portion of my life is that I unabashedly enjoy technology. Not only do I enjoy it, but it plays at least some role in most parts of my life. It just makes things easier. Since October, and the birth of my son, there have been five apps in particular that have been making my life easier, and I thought I'd take the opportunity to share them with you, in...