Thursday, June 30, 2016

Scripture App Builder

One of the challenges of teaching literacy in our context is the lack of good resources in the local languages. We have shell books, and whatever Scripture has been translated, but since the people live out in the bush, it can be difficult to get physical copies of these items into their hands. Not only that, but in a tropical environment paper does not always last. Whether the weather, rats, bugs, or whatever, paper has a limited shelf life in...

Friday, March 11, 2016

What I've Been Up To

My wife is absolutely wonderful about keeping everyone up to date with what we as a family have been doing, and also with keeping you up to date on what she's personally been working on with PBT. I am not. But that doesn't mean I haven't been working! I suppose it's time to update y'all a bit on what exactly it is that I've been doing recently. Since we aren't yet working with a specific people group, I've been looking into ways that we can help...