Wednesday, July 16, 2014

My Moto X Mishap

Many of us have been there, I'm sure. That moment when you look down at your phone screen, a screen, mind you, that should be pristine, only to see this.  I have no idea what happened here. It's a pretty sad sight, to say the least. I've only had this phone since January of this year, and it has already served me so well. I've used it to take notes in class, to navigate to so very many places, to look up recipes, and to read blogs and books....

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The World Cup

There is very little in this world as pervasive as soccer. The 2014 World Cup just finished yesterday, making this my third World Cup that I've watched, and the first one that I've watched while in the States. While I am (of course) a little disappointed that the US didn't make it farther than it did, I'm still rather excited to see us as a nation participating in a sport that does so much to help us come together with the international community as a whole. Even just here in the States, Elizabeth and I got into some great conversations with a...