Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The World Cup

There is very little in this world as pervasive as soccer. The 2014 World Cup just finished yesterday, making this my third World Cup that I've watched, and the first one that I've watched while in the States. While I am (of course) a little disappointed that the US didn't make it farther than it did, I'm still rather excited to see us as a nation participating in a sport that does so much to help us come together with the international community as a whole. Even just here in the States, Elizabeth and I got into some great conversations with a Columbian, a Brazilian, and a Uruguayan. Turns out, we were all rooting for the States that game. And even though we were all disappointed, we had a great time chatting about each of our different countries. 

Another of the things I like about the World Cup is the commercials! 

I mean, that's just funny. Sure their just trying to boost their sales off of an event that has such a huge following, but I'm ok with that. It simply proves that the World Cup is a big deal. And because it is, we should be doing all we can to use the interest in the World Cup to help teach Literacy. (or other things too, I guess)

One example: The National Literacy Trust in England has a guy who is writing a Childrens Book for use in schools based around the World Cup. For each game he writes another chapter, and, if I'm reading the description right, the events surrounding the Cup effect what is happening in the story. That's just cool!

(you can read his story here)

While I think this is awesome, I really haven't seen much else promoting Literacy using all the interest in soccer. Still, my personal opinion is that motivation is the main key to teaching people to read. I would love to see more soccer based resources since it is such a wide spread phenomenon. 
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