Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I'm a Dad! Wow.

One of the things I feel in this new stage in my life is a sense of complete ineptitude. I've never been a dad before. I don't know what I'm doing. I tried to put the diaper on backwards, until Elizabeth stopped me. (Thank God for wives, without them kids wouldn't be possible) But here I am, with a kid, and a need to take care of him. A burning desire, actually.

I can't look at him without feeling overwhelmed. Not in the sense of, I can't do this, but in the sense of I am doing this, even though I don't know how. There's nothing as amazing as picking up my crying son and having him stop almost immediately. There's nothing as heart wrenching as him crying in his car seat in the back and me not being able to pick him up, or comfort him. That cry of his can break my heart.

It has been stressful, and wonderful, and a whole host of other-fuls, and I'm excited for more.


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