Since getting back to the States, I haven't really felt as though I had very much to write about, though now that I look back on my time since PNG, I have accomplished quite a bit. This January I began going to classes again here in Dallas. I'm still taking it sort of slow as far as classes go, though, since I'm also working full time in order to be able to afford grad school. In January I took Grammar A, and then took a month break, as I have already taken the classes that were available in February. I took the opportunity having the month off of school afforded me to pick up some extra shifts at work for awhile. But now, as we move into March, my studies have picked up again, and Elizabeth and I could not be busier. Since classes started on Friday, we have been spending approximately 7 hours a day at the school, and Elizabeth has been spending pretty much the rest of her waking hours doing homework. Since Mondays and Tuesdays we don't go into work, she spent those evenings working ahead on her homework so she could go to work tonight and tomorrow without feeling too overwhelmed. Fortunately, in another week Elizabeth will be dropping her hours at work so that she will be able to devote more time to her studies, which is necessary if she would like to keep her sanity. Which I know I would prefer. I'm sure that things will smooth out for our schedule as we grow accustomed to our classes and what they require of us, and even if it doesn't, this session is only a month long. So, either way we will soon be through this rough patch and able to breathe again.
Please continue to pray for us, for supporters, and for learning to take place in our classes so we can gain the knowledge necessary for our work in PNG. I've been spending my days at the school after my class so that I can work on contacting or partners and save money on gas. If any of you would like to chat a little about where we are in our process and what our plans for the future are, give me a call any day between 9 and about 2-2:30. I'd love to hear from you!
Pressing on,
Jacob Smith
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