All throughout my waiting on tables, I have never been what I would consider rich, but we have always reached a point where we could pay our bills, even when unexpected expenses come up. (like a flat tire a couple weeks ago) God is faithful. But he also wants us to depend on Him. I think, perhaps, that is why He doesn't let us get too far ahead of ourselves. Even so, I know that if I work my hardest at my job, God will provide what I need to provide for my family. And I don't worry about the rest. I don't expect to get rich. I only expect to get by until such a point that we are ready to go to the mission field. And that's enough for me.
I don't know where everybody reading this is in their lives. If you are struggling, or gliding by. But I do know that God will provide for your needs. (read Matthew 6) I have the same confidence that by the time Elizabeth and I are ready to go overseas long term, we will have found enough people who believe in translating the Word of God into a language that has never had it before that we will be able to go. But for that to happen we will have to work our hardest, and persevere. And still we may just barely make it.
I hope God blesses each of you who is supporting us to get us through GIAL and to Papua New Guinea. And I pray that some of you reading this now will feel the call from God to start. We have a long way to go, but each day is a day closer.
Press on,
Jacob Smith
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