Since the very beginning of our relationship, my wife and I have disagreed on what a hobby should look like. In the past I've spent most of my free time either reading books, playing games, or catching up on the news, but Elizabeth insists that the internet won't work very well as a hobby once we get to a place where we won't actually have the internet.
With that in mind, I have been considering a number of different hobbies that could help me pass the time, even while I'm off in a part of the world where I can't access my typical forms of entertainment. I think I've finally settled on one (we hope), but it was a long and convoluted path to get me there. I submit to you here a few of my more interesting attempts at finding a past time suitable for jungle living.
- Knitting - Don't judge me. Throughout all the years of my college education, I was constantly surrounded by people either knitting or crocheting, whether in my classes or out on the front lawn of my alma mater. We even had a blanket drive for the homeless in Little Rock where the idea was for each of us to knit or crochet a blanket so we could give a more human touch to our charity. Let's just say there are quite a few scarves that were handed out that year. I, however did not try to throw my hat into the knitting ring until I discovered that my wife has a great talent for the art. For Christmas, she even knitted me a false beard to keep my face warm! (see photo) I figured worse case scenario, I tried and failed, and the knitting needles I used could be incorporated into a spear once I got to PNG. My wife showed me the first few knots I would use to knit a small square, perhaps to be used as a coaster....or something. I valiantly worked on this small square for hours and hours (or maybe, you know...minutes) until I threw down the needles triumphantly! One row was finished! I have yet to pick the needles back up to start that second row. Probably not the best hobby.

- Photography - Ah, the arts. I actually got to try this one out while we were in PNG this past fall. Who wouldn't love taking pictures of the beautiful landscapes and fascinating cultural scenes that surrounded us overseas? Turns out, me. I tried. If you go through the photos from our trip you can actually tell just by looking which ones I took and which ones my wife took. Hers are the ones where you can't help but see the beauty of this fair country. Mine are the ones where blurry figures are walking around without heads.
- Writing - Which brings us to my current endeavors. Coming up this summer, one of my favorite authors is broadcasting his creative writing class over the internet as part of a Distance Education project. What this means is that I will have the opportunity to learn writing techniques from one of the best for free. Needless to say, I'm excited about this. I've never written a book before. I still struggle with keeping an up to date blog. But that's all about to change! I'm about as excited about starting to write as a hobby as I was not for knitting and figuring out which camera setting to use after having already missed my opportunity for a great photo. In conjunction with this, my wife has encouraged me to start a new blog where I can practice writing by recounting stories of conversations we have had over a variety of different subjects. Hopefully writing for that will encourage me to keep writing for this as well.
Words are important to me. My main hobby of the past was reading stories. While I may not always have the ability to find new stories to read once I'm overseas, I will always have access to the stories I create, and the stories about life with Elizabeth. If I can't read, I might as well write! Here's hoping this hobby sticks!
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