Sunday, June 16, 2013

On the road again...

After our week at Pioneer Missions institute, Elizabeth and I took to the road again! We have supporters all over this country, and keeping up with them is just so much more satisfying in person than it is over the internet. Since school is out for us for a few weeks we took the opportunity to come all the way to Phoenix, AZ to visit with some of our supporters who made our trip this past fall a possibility. Since getting to Arizona we have had the chance to sit down to lunch with some good friends, work as volunteers in a church nursery, worship alongside some awesome Christians, and help a member of the church to move into a new house. Not bad for the first day.

Since we are in the area, we also plan on taking a short break by going camping near the Grand Canyon. Neither of us have had a chance to see this wonder of nature, and being so close it would be a shame if we didn't make the trip now. And since we are camping, the trip itself is costing us surprisingly little! Both of us are rather excited to be seeing something so "Grand" during our relatively short break this year. It will be a very much so needed vacation. (see Elizabeth's blog article on vacations here)


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