Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Nuclear Fusion

When it comes time to send out our newsletter, I remember that yet again I have neglected to write a blog post in the last month. I am not the most prolific of writers, so you would think that there would be plenty of topics for me to write on, and indeed my interests vary so much that there is an endless array of interesting tidbits that I would love to share with the world. Like, there is this shark that just grabs a single small bite...

Saturday, November 23, 2013

When This Boy Meets World

By now I'm sure that most of you have heard the wonderful news. My wife is pregnant! And while this is pretty much the most wonderful thing that's ever happened to me, it has also changed my outlook on a few different things. Recently my wife and I found the complete series of "Boy Meets World" for sale, and decided to pick it up and take a stroll down memory lane. It is a show that everyone from my generation knows and loves, and growing up I identified...

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Motivation and Self Control

Recently, I made a discovery. The discovery is this: I don't like to work. This is problematic, as most of my job tends to be, you know, work. Part of the problem is that I just don't feel like working that often. Its just so much easier to sit back and relax. Maybe watch some tv. Something like that. I mean, have you seen some of what they have on tv these days? Its fun stuff! Super heroes, fantasy tales, and pirates. I love pirates.  I'm...

Friday, September 20, 2013

Reminiscing: About Custard

Some things just taste better when you are stranded in the middle of the jungle with no way out for at least another week, you know? At least that was my experience with custard. If you've read through any of our stories from the bush, I'm sure you've already heard of our unexpected extra week in the jungle last year. It was a lesson to us to always make sure that you can get back when you first decide to go out. But that's not what this is about. This...

Saturday, August 24, 2013

(25) Things I Learned in the Jungle

(About Food) Pretty much everything is different when you go overseas. From the kinds of animals you can see to the way that the seasons change it's just different. This can lead to some interesting interactions between people who are already in "the know" and those who aren't. Namely, me. This is a catalogue of some of the more interesting tidbits that I discovered during my time in Papua New Guinea.   Check out my wife's post on this...

Monday, July 8, 2013

5 Fun Things Do With Your Old Smartphone

If you're anything like me, you probably have at least one old smart phone not being used somewhere in your house. In my case its my old LG Ally, that I replaced over a year ago. I had been considering getting rid of it, but couldn't quite muster the ability to throw something out that could be potentially useful. So instead I turned to the internet to discover the best way to repurpose my old phone to give it some new life. These 5 things are...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

How Not to Fiberglass: A Cautionary Tale

During our trip to Anguna this past fall, we found out that we would not be leaving when we thought we would be. Somehow our helicopter out of the village had not gotten scheduled. Elizabeth and I, of course, took this as a great opportunity to get some stuff done that we hadn't yet gotten around to. For Elizabeth, there were numerous chores of varying interest, but for me there was the boat. Over the years that Martha had spent in Papua New Guinea,...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

On the road again...

After our week at Pioneer Missions institute, Elizabeth and I took to the road again! We have supporters all over this country, and keeping up with them is just so much more satisfying in person than it is over the internet. Since school is out for us for a few weeks we took the opportunity to come all the way to Phoenix, AZ to visit with some of our supporters who made our trip this past fall a possibility. Since getting to Arizona we have had the chance to sit down to lunch with some good friends, work as volunteers in a church nursery, worship...

In Search of A Hobby

Since the very beginning of our relationship, my wife and I have disagreed on what a hobby should look like. In the past I've spent most of my free time either reading books, playing games, or catching up on the news, but Elizabeth insists that the internet won't work very well as a hobby once we get to a place where we won't actually have the internet. With that in mind, I have been considering a number of different hobbies that could help me...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I've mentioned before, I think, that I'm working full time as a waiter in order to work my way through grad school. School is great and all, but it is amazing to me the variety of lessons one can learn in the workplace, if only you take the time to look around and think about what is happening. One lesson I have learned is that there will be good days, and there will be bad days. Some days, you can work for a short time with tables that demand very...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Back to Class

Since getting back to the States, I haven't really felt as though I had very much to write about, though now that I look back on my time since PNG, I have accomplished quite a bit. This January I began going to classes again here in Dallas. I'm still taking it sort of slow as far as classes go, though, since I'm also working full time in order to be able to afford grad school. In January I took Grammar A, and then took a month break, as I have already...